Not my fault
Not my fault

not my fault not my fault

But, our biggest problem in life does not exist outside of us it exists within. There are terribly evil and seemingly unfair things that happen to us, in little moments and in big. Now, of course, life in a fallen world is hard. No, he'll talk about all the times in his life when he didn't get what he knew he deserved. If you ask the old man why he's so grumpy and nasty with his words, he won't tell you it's because of the bitterness that has captured his heart for decades. She'll point to all the ways that life has been hard and how her friends don't deserve the good things in life they've received. If you ask the single woman why she's so moody and discontent, she won't say it's because of the jealousy and envy that resides in her heart. No, he'll blame his kids, or his wife, or his boss they just make him so angry. If you ask the father why he's so angry all the time, he won't tell you it's because of the selfishness and impatience in his heart. No, he'll tell you a long story of how there was an accident on the freeway, then a long train he had to wait for, then a water main break that flooded the street he normally drives on. If you ask the teenager why he came in to work so late, he won't willingly take responsibility.

not my fault

If you ask the little girl why she hit her brother, she won't tell you it was because of the sin that's in her heart. In fact, I would go as far as saying that it's a street-level theological heresy that we're comfortable to live with as Christians. It's the one biblical truth that no one believes.

Not my fault